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Q: What exercise begins with the letter a?
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What are the thing on how to maintain a healthy body begins with the letter a?

Anaerobic exercise, maybe.

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Yachting is a sport. It begins with the letter y. The America's Cup is a famous yachting race.

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What begins with E?

Exercise, Elephant.

The Exercise Planning Team begins planning for the evaluation portion of the exercise?

one week prior to the exercise conduct

What word begins Me and has 16 letter?

Melodramatically is a 16 letter word. It begins with the letter me.

What exercise begins with the letter s?

· swimming · sit-ups · step-ups · squats · side to side shuffling · strength training · stretching · stretch bands

What transport that begins with the letter a?

Ambulance is a means of transportation. It begins with the letter A.