It requires a deepsea tooth or a deepsea scale.Once the either item is obtained, and attached to clamperl, clamperl must be traded to another pokemon cartridge. The deepsea tooth helps it become huntail, the deepsea scale makes it evolve into Gorebyss.
You get it when you find the scanner on the abandoned ship and he will trade you a deep sea scale or a deep sea tooth the scale evolves clampearl or seadra into kingdra or gorebis via trade and the tooth evolves clampearl into huntail
you have to go to the abandored ship by dewford town, find the scanner then fly to slateport and give it to the captin (forgot his name) he will trade it for deepsea tooth or deepsea scale. you can only get one of them. if you already got 1 of the the other one is impossible to get without trading or cheating. deepsea tooth evolves clampearl into huntail and the scale evolves clampearl into goryabs (sorry about spelling)
I think it's supposed to evolve your Clamperl into a rarish Pokemon that you can't get anywhere else in emerald, the deepseascale evolves it into somthing else too, I don't know which is the best, but I think the tooth is better and stronger for my clamperl, plus the other one is pink and ugly, (I HATE pink, BLAH!) but that's your choice of which one you want to have. -Kainachu, a Pokemon expert ^.^ Wells... A deepseaSCALE is a hold item for your CLAMPERL that raises its SP. DEF and thee deepseaTOOTH raises your CLAMPERL's SP. ATK. - A deepseatooth when given to a clampearl and traded evolves it into a Huntail. A deepseascale when given to a clampearl and traded evolves into a Gorebyss.
You use it with a Clampearl to evolve it to Gorbyss
You can't use it for much, but you can exchange it for either a deepseatooth, or a deepseascale. The deepseatooth raises Clamperl's Sp. Atk, and the deepseascale evolves Clampearl into huntail. To exchange the scanner bring it to Capt. Stern in Slateport at the Slateport Harbor.
Deepseatooth evolves a clampearl to Huntail if you chose Deepseascale it evolves clampearl to Gorbeyss.
It evolves into Huntail.
Clampearl evolves into Gorebyss when traded holding a deep sea scale and evolves to Huntail when traded holding a deep sea tooth
The Deepseascale evolves a Clampearl into a Gorebyss. If you have a Deepseatooth your Clampearl can evolve into a Huntail YOU NEED TO TRADE YOUR CLAMPEARL FOR IT EVOLVE.
You get it when you find the scanner on the abandoned ship and he will trade you a deep sea scale or a deep sea tooth the scale evolves clampearl or seadra into kingdra or gorebis via trade and the tooth evolves clampearl into huntail
clampearl doesn't evolve from level ups. It evolves from holding things during trades. Deep sea tooth for huntail Deep sea scale for gorebyss
Clampearl evolves if you trade it with the deepsea tooth, and it doesn't matter what level it is. I advise as soon as soon as possible so it can learn the moves from huntail
Huntail evolves once you trade a Clampearl w/ the Deepseatooth attached to it.
you migrate a clampearl holding deepseatooth then you have to trade it with someone stil holding that item, and when the trade is over it evolves.
at least I know that it evolves clamperl, if someone knows another just inprove answer
You have to equip either a deepseascale or a deepseatooth to clampearl and trade it. If you use a deepseascale you are suppose to get Gorebyss, I don't know what you get if you use a deepseatooth. If someone know please do tell. Thank You. If You Trade Clampearl with a deepseatooth it evolves into a huntail.
you have to go to the abandored ship by dewford town, find the scanner then fly to slateport and give it to the captin (forgot his name) he will trade it for deepsea tooth or deepsea scale. you can only get one of them. if you already got 1 of the the other one is impossible to get without trading or cheating. deepsea tooth evolves clampearl into huntail and the scale evolves clampearl into goryabs (sorry about spelling)