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Evolutionary stones don't work on Fossil pokemon. You need to level Kabuto up to Level 40 or 42 to make it evolve. It's a pain in the butt but Kabutops is one of the best kick-butt pokemon in the gmae, next to Nidoking, Charizard, Lapras Tyranitar, Mewtwo, Golem and Raichu.

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Q: What evolutionary stone can make kabuto to kabutops in leaf green?
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What stone will make Kabuto evolve on Pokemon Silver version?

Kabuto doesn't evolve with a stone. It will evolve into kabutops at level 40.

WHAT STONE evolves kabuto?

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Green stone is a plant that is green looks Ike a stone and it can flaps like a bird.

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Lombre(Water stone), Skitty (Moon stone), Nuzleaf(Leaf stone).

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The name of a green stone is an emerald.

Where do you duy a leaf stone on Pokemon white?

If by duy you mean buy then the answer is you can't. The only Pokemon games where you can buy evolutionary stones are Pokemon Green, Blue and Yellow (that's right, the originals).

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In Generation I (Red, Blue and Yellow), the Fire stone can be purchased at the Celedon Department store on the 4th floor. These are the only games, aside from the remakes (Fire Red and Leaf Green) where you can purchase the evolutionary stones. Vulpix, Growlithe and Eevee all evolve with a Fire Stone.