

Best Answer

You wouldn't need to go out and buy anything. Google free downloads for your computer that does the same kind of thing that you are looking for. Most of them out there are free.

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Q: What equipment and software would you need to develop your own multiplayer online games?
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in multiplayer, go to customise equipment then weapon store. guns cost credits, which you earn when playing online.

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What do you call a game where you play with people across the world?

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Is online and multiplayer online the same?

Online is that you can internet, that people could connect to you, and you can connect to people. But not only people, also hosts (like games & websites) Multiplayer is that you're playing with someone, you can do multiplayer offline, then he have to play on the same game concole you're playing on. And online multiplayer is that you're online (on the world wide web) that you can do multiplayer with someone in another place of the world. As long you're both online.