First off, Gogeta only appeared in the movie Fusion Reborn and in the end of GT. Second, Broly only appeared in movies. He was never part of the main series.
you have to fight the first battle in the broly saga goku vs broly
Ah, what a delightful question. The epic battle between Broly and Goku can be found in the movie "Dragon Ball Super: Broly." It's a beautiful clash of power and determination that will surely inspire your own creative spirit. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the colorful brushstrokes of their fierce encounter.
Broly is never in an episode of DBZ, he is in 3 of the Dragon Ball Z movies.
Well for SSJ4 Gogeta you can fight omega shenron and win to achieve him (I personally brought him for the random box in the shop.) For SSJ2 GOGETA you fight gotenks to achieve him. Look on youtube on how to achieve them.
Broly is the most overrated DBZ Character. His personality is a same as kid buu, except Kid Buu can fight. Goku's a better fighter than Broly.Broly is one of the most terrible fighters in DBZ.Vegeta & Broly both want to fight goku but Vegeta has a greater drive than Broly throughtout the sagas.
No. The introduction of DBZ:Budokai 3 Introduction where it shows Broly vs Gogeta does not count. Broly couldn't beat Gogeta, let alone Cell, as well as any characters around Cell's level.
Chuck Norris
in broly,Legendary Super Saiyan and Broly, Second Coming
Super Gogeta.Even Base Gogeta would owned Broly easily.He's no different than Vegito.Broly is only Super Saiyan One Tier.
Who would win between Saiyan 4 Gogeta and Legendary Super Saiyan Broly is Saiyan 4.
piccolo gets sent there on episode 44 of Dragonball GT
do you people think that gogeta can beat ssj gohan teen,ssjgoku,ssjvegeta,ssjadult trunks not only beat be very strong above them no he cannot goku ssj power=50 and vegeta ssj power level =45 and fusion power=5 so gogeta ssj power level=100 95 = goku ssj and vegeta ssj power + ssj trunks =40 and teen gohan ssj=40 95 + 40=135 but broly lssj can beat all the team brloy lssj powerlevel=210 which bigger 100 or 210 yeah it,s 210 so broly is stronger if it was gogeta ssj3 then gogeta would be just slightly stronger now you will say that in movie of dbz gogeta beated broly because broly releases his full power level when goku is some where near
you have to fight the first battle in the broly saga goku vs broly
Ah, what a delightful question. The epic battle between Broly and Goku can be found in the movie "Dragon Ball Super: Broly." It's a beautiful clash of power and determination that will surely inspire your own creative spirit. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the colorful brushstrokes of their fierce encounter.
Probably Broly, but it won't be easy.
Broly is never in an episode of DBZ, he is in 3 of the Dragon Ball Z movies.