episode 254 meet vegito
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They fuse in the episode called " Vegito vs Super Buu"
It don't make any sense at all. Godzilla & King king will lose to anyone is powerful than themselves. Chuck Norris will lose too. Gogeta could had enough power but not last forever because of the duration of the fusion techique. No such Thing for 2 optimus primes, it has to be 1 optimus prime because the movie Optimus prime will die by Megatron. Superman prime could destroys galaxies for a few minutes but He would lost too because Broly could destoy a single galaxy within 3 Secs (alot faster than superman prime). Prime means over 9 ft. means that broly is bigger than Superman prime. Cerebros will lose to galvatron. Ultimate buu would outnumbered anyone especially Super vegito because the dimension scream will destroy the whole universe less than 4 minutes. kid buu could had lose by Super Vegito. All that's left was Ultimate buu & Super Vegito. But Vegito would had win if he wasn't too arrogant & not being serious like last time. If he was too arrogant & let buu absorbed him (without a barrier), Then Ultimate buu wins.
they fuse in episode 253 of dbz thanks for the question
Gogeta and Vegito because all they would have to do is spirit sword his tail off . Both fusions are faster than him any way
Goku (vs Raditz) - 416 Goku (approaching to fight Nappa) - 5,000 Goku (vs Nappa) - 9,000 Goku (vs Vegeta) - 9,000 > 18,000 > 27,000 > 36,000 > 45,000 Goku (vs Recoome) - 5,000 Goku (vs Jeice & Burter) - 90,000 Goku (vs Capt. Ginyu) - 180,000 Goku (vs Frieza final form) - 5,000,000 > 5,600,000 > 6,500,000 > 7,500,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Frieza final form & 100%) - 18,000,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Android 19) - 25,000,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Perfect Cell) - 145,000,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Meta Cooler) - 85,000,000 Super Saiyan Goku (vs Broly) - 120,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Goku (vs Majin Vegeta) - 360,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Goku (vs Majin Buu and Janemba) - 1,020,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Goku (vs Kid Buu,) - 720,000,000 Super Saiyan 3 Goku (vs Hiruduguarn) - 1,250,000,000 Kid Gohan (vs Nappa) - 2450 Kid Gohan (vs Vegeta) - 3200 Kid Gohan (vs Recoome) - 18,000 Kid Gohan (vs Frieza 2nd form) - 1,200,000 Kid Gohan (vs Frieza 3rd form) - 2,500,000 Super Saiyan Teen Gohan (vs Perfect Cell) - 165,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan (vs Perfect Cell) - 330,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan (vs Super Perfect Cell) - 260,000,000 Ultimate Gohan (vs Super Buu) - 3,645,000,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Goku) - 18,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Cui, Dodoria and Zarbon) - 24,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Monster Zarbon) - 34,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Recoome) - 34,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Jeice) - 84,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Frieza) - 240,000 Scouter Vegeta (vs Frieza final form) - 3,000,000 Super Saiyan Vegeta (vs Android 19 and 18) - 24,000,000 Super Vegeta (vs Cell form 2) - 62,000,000 Super Saiyan Vegeta (vs Broly) - 110,000,000 Super Vegeta (vs Cell juniors) - 120,000,000 Super Saiyan Vegeta (vs Super Perfect Cell) - 122,000,000 Majin Vegeta (vs Super Saiyan 2 Goku) - 360,000,000 Super Vegeta (vs Kid Buu and Janemba) - 320,000,000 Vegeta (vs Kid Buu) - 10,000,000 Kid Gohan (vs Nappa) - 1,600 Kid Gohan (vs Frieza form 2) - 1,200,000 Kid Gohan (vs Frieza form 3) - 3,000,000 Super Saiyan Teen Gohan (vs Perfect Cell) - 165,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan (vs Cell juniors and Perfect Cell) - 325,000,000 Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan (injured vs Super Perfect Cell) - 280,000,000 Mystic Gohan (vs Super Buu) - 3,500,000,000
Fat Buu wins.
buu is 5,000,000,000 x stronger
if it does it will be an error or damage to your game,i have no problems facing buu
in the z battle gate go to manjin buu saga and play gotenks ss3 vs super buu. break the temple.one ball will fall .collect it and win the match with charging ultra buu buu volley ball. do it seven times the same things.
vegitto would win because he can kill super buu (absorbed gohan). to tell you the truth if ultimate gohan tried to fight buu (absorbed gotenks) he would die. and if i could recall buu (gotenks absorbed) is weaker than (gohan absorbed). and if you dont get what im saying go to youtube type in gohan vs buu absorbed gotenks and you wll see gohan is losing like i said and type in vegitto vs buu you will see im right. if you get this answer and you believe me give me a trust point please i only have 1 point i need this.
the episode after 64 is A Cute Face and Super Power?! #18 vs Vegeta"
Go to What if Saga.. and play the vegito vs gogeta matches.