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The episode in which Ash brings his Bulbasaur over to the Hoenn region for the first time is called "Hokey Poké Balls."

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Q: What episode did Bulbasaur come to the Hoenn?
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When does misty come to Hoenn?

In episode 319 The Princess and her togepi

In what episode did ash get Bulbasaur?

Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village in Episode 10 in the Indigo League

What is ash's Pokemon in Hoenn?

The Pokémon Ash with him during his journey in the Hoenn region would include Pokémon such as his Pikachu as well as Taillow, Treecko, Corphish and Torkoal. His Taillow evolved into a Swellow and his Treecko eventually became a Sceptile. Ash had also brought back Bulbasaur for one episode in order to help out with the Bulbasaur that May caught.

Why did Ash catch a Bulbasaur in Pokemon Episode 10?

Bulbasaur wanted to go with him.

Does ash keep his Bulbasaur in Pokemon?

ash keeps all of his old Pokemon including bulbasaur but they are in kanto, johto, and hoenn regions and they are in his PC boxes with proffessor oak. technically ash still has his Pokemon. the should come up with an episode when ash sees all of his Pokemon he ever caught. hope this helped!

What episode is when ash enters the Hoenn league?

season 8 episode 395

Why isn't squitle Bulbasaur and Charmander in the series of Pokemon battle dimensions?

because there from hoenn pokeomn battle dimensions are sinnoh

In Pokemon when did may catch Bulbasaur what episode?

grass hysteria

What is the name of the Pokemon episode Before Pokemon Advanced episode 1?

the episodes name is " Hoenn Alone...!".its episode no is 276

What Pokemon episode did may's Bulbasaur evolve?

May's Bulbasaur did not evolve in an episode, it evolved while she was competing in Pokémon Contests in the Johto region which were not shown in any episodes.

On what episode does may catch Bulbasaur?

somewhere in the advanced challenge season

Does Bulbasaur evolve into ivysaur in the Pokemon series?

Bulbasaur does not evolve during the Pokemon anime series, there is an episode where Bulbasaur is about to evolve, but he restrains himself from doing so, because it didn't wish to evolve