if you have platinum you can get
magnemite at fuego ironworks wich become magnezone
good move set for magnimite thunderbolt,shock wave,flash cannon and another
and electavire but first electabuzz wich can be caught at the route before sunyshore
all the rest are available in diamond/pearl/platinum
there are more but i cant remember them
Raiku the electric dog on leaf green and fire red versions
you have to dig it up when you are underground
The same place you get it in platinum.
The best electric Pokemon is Luxray Lv.100
the best Pokemon to use against electric Pokemon is ground/rock Pokemon.
There is no "best move" but thunderbolt is easy to get, has good accuracy, and has good power
Any Pokemon strong to water: Electric types and grass types work the best.
Raiku the electric dog on leaf green and fire red versions
try your best to find spirtomb in Pokemon platinum
you have to dig it up when you are underground
The same place you get it in platinum.
The best electric Pokemon is Luxray Lv.100
depends what your fighting, if ground use flying, if electric use fighting, if fighting use fighting