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Q: What eight-letter word has one letter in it?
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I dunno type on google "9 letter word that is still a word after taking off each letter one by one from the start to the end of the word

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A is a word.

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The second letter of the seven letter word meaning "one-fourth" is "u." The word is "quarter."u as in quarter

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One such word is ears.

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Cunning is a seven letter word for one who thinks they are clever.

What is the following word QFKDBTF?

This is the word "release" as randomly altered one letter up or one letter down.

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There is no one-word 8-letter palindrome in English, apparently!

What is an eight letter word with one letter in it?

Envelope is the answer.

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One double-letter word for 'closing' is 'shutting'.

What is the second letter of a seven letter word one fourth?

U (the word is Quarter)