Depending on the context of this statement it can mean different things. If the person saying it is a friend, or you are in a causal situation, it most likely refers to a male's testicles. A male's testicles are often refereed to as "balls" because of there shape. Or it could also mean, simply your balls, such as tennis balls. Generally those are the two most used meanings.
try gravity master I think you mean Jezzball
In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, the PokéBalls that you can get are: Poké Balls, Heal Balls, Great Balls, Net Balls, Dusk Balls, Friend Balls, Level Balls, Moon Balls, Heavy Balls, Lure Balls, Fast Balls, Luxury Balls, Ultra Balls, Love Balls, Nest Balls, Premier Balls, Quick Balls, Repeat Balls, Safari Balls, Timer Balls and Master Balls.
You can buy them at the Pokemon mart at the Pokemon league. I buy my timer balls, heal balls, etc. at the Pokemon mart in canalave city
you use mean look then through master balls use them or use a utra ball.
No. Baoding balls are totaly differant.
It means "balls" It means "balls"
it means that you have balls like me
"Balls" is a slang term for testicles. This is a very rude exclamation.
Mall balls mean the dangling sack with 2 ding a lings in it that hurt if you hit them
your balls dropping doesn't necessarily mean your balls drop it just mean your ball sac grows heavier and your voice breaks at the same time so people say your balls drop when you are at the main stage in puberty.
Empty one's balls means to ejaculate.