like the letter "k". did u think someone was going to be able to post a picture on wikanswers or something?? no.
These Pokemon can be found in the tanoby chambers on seven island these Pokemon look like the alphabet if you look carefully in the monean and viapois chamber you can find an exclamation mark and question mark unown.
If you look carefully in the monean chamber and viapois chamber you can find a secret unown.
Look very carefully at them there is bound to be some resemblance to the normal alphabet, still stuck? some unown look very different from there actual letters like B or G. Psst in the monean chamber there is a question mark unown and in the viapois chamber there is a exclamation mark unown both are rare to find.
no, there are 29 different unown each representing either a letter of the alphabet or a ? ! or . they arent legendary but theyre only found in ome place ------------------- accually there are accually many more kinds of unown, because if you look at Pokemon: 3 the movie, if you look at the unown symbols (the ones that haven't come to life) there are accually some shaped like different types of letters from ancient alphabet, including the Pi symbol, some ancient greek characters, and so on. and There is accually 28 species in the Pokemon games so far (even though it be easy for the Pokemon Company to create, there is no . unown)
unown are pokemon that look like letters and i think their are 26 or 27 unown and can be found in solaceon town in the caves they are called solaceon ruins
They resemble letters of the alphabet.
letters of the alphabet and one looks like a ! and the second looks like a ?
spend hours in the solacean ruins
there made out of carved unown in the wall each unown look like a letter or it should anyway
These Pokemon can be found in the tanoby chambers on seven island these Pokemon look like the alphabet if you look carefully in the monean and viapois chamber you can find an exclamation mark and question mark unown.
look at the psypoke unown index, plus the outlines kinda look like letters.
the unown say "our friends look up and heartily congratulate us"
first chamber left! That's were I've found it.
If you look carefully in the monean chamber and viapois chamber you can find a secret unown.
there an unown like 'o' in liptoo champer on the seven island