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A floating object on the sea would exhibit a "bobbing up and down motion" --- basically, a somewhat rhythmical raising and lowering of an object. I'm sure you could find more interesting examples as well, given the sad state of the internet in general....

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: What does the term bobbing up and down mean?
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That is the correct spelling of "bobbing" (moving up and down as if on sea waves).

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The term vertical refers to up and down.

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Term to Term rule in Maths is how much you go up or down in. e.g 1,2,3,4,5,6 would be +1

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go to the great fox stage, and do the up and down taunts repeatedly for a while. u have to be so fast, it just looks like hes bobbing up and down

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it comes truly from the haircut bob the hairstyle came out first :)

What is the name of the song in the Wendy's commercial where the burgers are bobbing up and down like an equalizer?

== Wendy's Commercial Song = Satisfaction by Benni Benassi.

What is repeated back and forth or up and down motin?

This motion is called "oscillation." It involves an object moving back and forth or up and down around a central point. Examples include the swinging of a pendulum or the bobbing of a buoy on water.

Why does a person move up and down when suspended in water as ge breathes?

This happens because gravity pulls you down but the oxygen and air in your lungs and body help you stay afloat. This creates a bobbing motion.