Modding is a slang word for the word modify. To modify means to change or to correct.
he means what does being a sponge mean in slang
pace, rate, chat (slang)... Or if you mean the drug: sulf, whiz, meth.
A 'kid' , when one means a 'child'. A 'kid' is an immature goat.
The word is jock
Some slang words from 2006 include "bling bling," "crunk," "whatevs," and "fam."
It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money
i crunked your mom
It is the Yiddish word for a woman who is not Jewish. It is slang in English, but it is not slang in Yiddish.
Dough is a slang word for money.
Cool itself, unless you are using it to mean mildly cold, is a slang word. Just because it is old slang doesn't mean that it is not still slang.
"Shrink" IS a slang word. It means a psychiatrist. Unless you mean "TO shrink" ...
BTM is a slang acronym for "Be There Moment."
Tat is also slang for tattoo
Potted is slang for very drunk.
Nothing. It is a middle east country. Not a slang word.
Grog is a slang term for alcohol.