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According to the wiki, Sharpness can give 1,5 hearths more damage per level.

A regular iron sword does 3 damage. Sharpness II gives 1,5 * 2 = 3 hearths extra damage.

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Q: What does the sharpness enchantment for swords do in minecraft?
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What does sharpness mean in minecraft?

Sharpness is an enchantment applied to swords. It increases the amount of damage done by a sword, and with a diamond sword at sharpness V it can pretty much kill an unarmored player in one hit.

What does the sharpness enchantment do in minecraft?

The Sharpness enchantment makes your weapon do more damage to mobs (including other players).

What does sharpnes do on Minecraft?

Sharpness is one of the enchantments in Minecraft. Each enchantment has a different purpose. In this case, Sharpness decreases the amount of time required to mine a specific block. You can mine compatible blocks at a faster rates.

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Smite is an enchantment you can put on swords. With it, you can do extra damage to zombies, zombie pigmen, and skeletons.

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Smite increases damage against zombies, skeletons and zombie pigmen.

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Impossible to get

How do you make a sharpness 7 in Minecraft?

Unfortunately on non-modded Minecraft version 1.5.2 the highest level enchantment sharpness can go is IV or 4. However if you have access to a Bukkit Minecraft server then you should be able to download and add "Tim the Enchanter" plugin where you can add enchantments of any kind to any item to 127 levels.

What number is enchantment table on minecraft?

The number for an Enchantment Table on Minecraft is 116.

What is the highest level of enchantment in minecraft with no mods?

The highest enchantment level in Vanilla Minecraft is level 30 through the use of bookshelves surrounding an enchantment table.

What can be enchanted in Minecraft?

There are four different methods for enchanting in Minecraft. These four methods include via an enchantment table, combining duplicate items with different existing enchantments, combining an enchanted book with an item, and via a priest villager.

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