On the pokemon's info screen? That means that your pokemon has recovered from Pokerus. All it means is that the pokemon will now gather EVs at twice the usual rate.
very sad, infact its so sad to make an account on this!
Unfortunatly, yes... HOW SAD!!!!! -.-
sad to say it but no
your quite sad you Pokemon playing nerd.
above the bike shop in goldenrod
a sad face is a face that looks sad
I'm sorry, but this is a permanent problem. Sad face. xD
They may be hurt, joking around, or they are obviously sad.
face down-the red jumpsuit apparatus Parents, Budgie
It is a face on fantage. People use it like when they are sad or something. The two capital O's are the eyes and the N is the frown/sad face.
:( is the sad face on facebook.
The sad face typically represents feelings of unhappiness, disappointment, or sadness. The happy face, on the other hand, denotes feelings of joy, contentment, or amusement. Both emojis are commonly used to express emotions in digital communication.
They mean like what your feelinq.As in a smiley face, happy.A sad face, sad.A biq smiley face excited or way happy.Etc...
It's a face. The T's are closed eyes crying and the 3 is the mouth making a pouty sad face.
A sad face.
Emote means to express motion, usually in a theatrical matter. Example: Smiley Face, Sad face, Sick face.
a sad face is the symbal for sad. :( D: *cry*