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It has no effect on catching darkrai... It is used as a hold item for dusclops so it can evolve into Dusknoir when traded.

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Q: What does the reaper cloth do to catch Darkrai?
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Where to get the reaper cloth?

you have to catch a haunter or something else.

Does the Pokemon dusclopes evolve into Darkrai?

No, Dusclops does not evolve into Darkrai. Dusclops evolves into Dusknoir by being traded while holding a Reaper Cloth, while Darkrai is a single-evolution legendary Pokemon.

How do you catch Dusknoir in Diamond Pearl and Platinum?

You cannot catch a Dusknoir. You can only get one by trading a Dusclops with a reaper cloth.

Pokemon Pearl how to evolve dusclops?

you have to put a reaper cloth on duclops you have to put a reaper cloth on duclops you have to put a reaper cloth on duclops you have to put a reaper cloth on duclops

How do you evolve dusclops in mystery dungeon 2?

Answer:You need to have a Link Cable (an in-game item) if it normally requires trade to evolve and a Reaper's Cloth. You also need to Have Recruited Darkrai, Cresselia, Palkia (questionable), and brought back Mananphy (?). Then you should be able to evolve your Pokemon at a special Route.

Where in route 229 is the reaper cloth?

The reaper cloth is where lake Acuity is. Use rock climb then go to your right. The item in the pokeball is the reaper cloth.

Which Pokemon uses a Reaper Cloth?

Dusclops uses a Reaper Cloth to evolve into Dusknoir when traded.

Where can you find the Reaper Cloth item at in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire?

The Reaper Cloth can be bought in the Battle Resort for 32BP. This is the only place you can obtain a Reaper Cloth.

Where is the reaper cloth on Pokemon pearl?

the reaper cloth is an item you give to duscklops then trade it and it evolves into dusnoir

What Pokemon loves the reaper cloth?

Dusclops. Trade a Dusclops holding a Reaper Cloth to evolve it into Dusknoir.

Where could you get reaper cloth?

in soul silver it is on route 28 when you go to the Pokemon centre go down and surf the pokeball will be a reaper cloth

HOW TO GET A dusknoir?

First go to victory road after the elite four and you see a cave a man used to be there but now he is not and complete the cave you'll need strengh, defog, surf and go out, then use pok rader and if you meet duskclope catch it and you'll find a reper cloth and let it hold it and then trade with your friend.