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It boosts the partner of the Pokemon who used helping hand. In other words, it makes you stronger and increases your stats. :)

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Q: What does the move helping hand do in Pokemon pearl?
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What does helping hand do in Pokemon Colosseum?

Helping Hand in Pokemon Diamond only has an effect in a Double Battle. Otherwise, it does nothing.When you are in a Double Battle, like in the Battle Tower, and you had two Pokemon - Monferno and Plusle, while you were facing a Baltoy and Cherrim. Your Plusle would first use Helping Hand. Then your Monferno would attack using Grass Knot, and would knock out the opposing Baltoy in one hit. If Grass Knot used against a Baltoy had a power of 50 x 2 (for weakness), you would normally do 100 damage, not likely knocking out Baltoy. But, with the bonus of Helping Hand, you would actually have a power of 150, probably knocking out the Baltoy.To put a long story short, whether you second Pokemon's move is Physical or Special,the power of that move would be multiplied by .5. So, Helping Hand really can help you, if you use your brain first.

Where Is The Move Tutor In Pokemon Pearl?

you can find the move tutor on route 221

What is the Pokemon with the only move called sketch in Pokemon pearl?

The Pokemon is called Smeargle. Its move "sketch" has the ability to PERMANENTLY copy the first used move of the Pokemon it is battling.

Where is the hidden move number 4 in Pokemon pearl version?

In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl only, it is on the top floor of the Lost Tower.