It-a look-a like this:
If if its a lower level like 10-20 you should probably go to the cave on the mountain where you fight team aqua.
First you need to FLY back to SLATEPORT CITY, and talk to Captain Stern. Then Team Aqua will steal some kind of submarine, and then you can FLY back to Lilycove, and surf to the right in the city and go inside team aqua secret cave and then you have do some shiznit inside of their cave, you know like pokemon stuff, and when your done, the Wailers are Gone, gone I tell you, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE..!!!!!
You go to Mossdeep and defeat the Gym leaders there. Then Steven will give you the HM move dive. Then you can go south of Mossdeep to find a trench. You use dive here (with a pokemon that learned it), and go south until you find a cave area . Go in and there should be the submarine. Press B (this reverses dive) and you should come up to where the team took the submarine. Go into the cave located here and you should find Team Aqua. At the end of the cave you will find Aqua Leader Maxie trying to awaken Kyogre. Just like with Groudon, Kyogre just leaves. Then you may go to Sootopolis and see the show.
the Pokemon you like the most. either torchic or mudkip cause treeco messes up your whole team
It Because. The Member Of Team Rocket Are Evil. They Use The Pokemon for evil stuff and they somethings do things like try to do some evil stuff.
Marill is the Aqua Mouse Pokemon. It evolves into Azumarill, the Aqua Rabbit Pokemon.
If if its a lower level like 10-20 you should probably go to the cave on the mountain where you fight team aqua.
No. There is only one. It is in the city with the museum and the department store, and stuff like that. But i guess you could call the Team Magma Hideout another aqua one, but u go there first anyway. If you cant find it, its on Mount Pyre.
First you need to FLY back to SLATEPORT CITY, and talk to Captain Stern. Then Team Aqua will steal some kind of submarine, and then you can FLY back to Lilycove, and surf to the right in the city and go inside team aqua secret cave and then you have do some shiznit inside of their cave, you know like pokemon stuff, and when your done, the Wailers are Gone, gone I tell you, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE..!!!!!
Accasionly when you do normal things on tppc you can find unknown Pokemon. No i don't mean the Pokemon unknown like unknown a, b, c, ect i mean a Pokemon that is not identifyed. Kyogre is one of them. You can find them just like you find Chimchar, Piplup, and a few others. It will say at the very bottom of the screen An unknown Pokemon was spotted or somehting like that. WARNING: Mystery Pokemon are a very high level and are hard to beat. You can tell what the mystery Pokemon is by its shape. So far i have only found Kyogre. GOOD LUCK!!! P.S. On tppc my name is LoverAngel, add me as your friend!!! You can only get Kyogre from Team Aqua's team quests , not through the mystery pokemon. Mystery pokemon do One hit KO moves on you and kill you ALL THE TIME. The only way to get a Kyorgre is by doing Team Aqua quests. In the past DarkKyogre was obtainable from a promo . PEACE OUT -Trainer #2094237.
there a dive area and once you dive there, there youll find the submarine but you really need to look. the entrabce is like entering a cave underwater
One master ball just like every other Pokemon game that existed (except mystery dungeon you can't get one in those games) You find it in Team Aqua's hideout in Lilycove.
I think it is because it alway win on my Pokemon game I like it
You can not make a team. I have it and i played it like 5 times already and I can not make a team. The only way is to forget about it and buy another pokemon game. This one is bad.
You go to Mossdeep and defeat the Gym leaders there. Then Steven will give you the HM move dive. Then you can go south of Mossdeep to find a trench. You use dive here (with a pokemon that learned it), and go south until you find a cave area . Go in and there should be the submarine. Press B (this reverses dive) and you should come up to where the team took the submarine. Go into the cave located here and you should find Team Aqua. At the end of the cave you will find Aqua Leader Maxie trying to awaken Kyogre. Just like with Groudon, Kyogre just leaves. Then you may go to Sootopolis and see the show.
Press b and it willl say light is flittering from above would you like to go up? and say yes. you are in sea cave. traverse through the cave until you find archie, battle him and then he will awake kyogre. then burn rubber and get to sootopolis city!