it looks like a duck
(This is a nonsense question that someone added)
no, he is a different game yet he does look like a pokemon!
Pokemon can look different and have different sizes. Since there are more than 500 Pokemon, you should be more specific.
There's a whole veriety. Some look like beaver while others look like parrots
I do not know what Pokemon you like, so try going to and find the Pokemon you like, then look where they appear on FireRed.
Both look like a duck!
Webfeet look like duck feet.
It look lkes a duck bill.
No. You can't look like a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond. My brother has diamond and he can't look like a Pokemon.
This is balut it is a baby duck.
Wild wood ducks which are Actually part of the geese family so are not ducks but look, walk, act and make the same sound as ducks
they have a beak and feathers look at
identical to a parrot/kangaroo
A Duck lays eggs, and a Goat is a mammal so that is theoretically impossible.
If they have balls well then they are round xD
nah, she looks like a duck
duck you