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its kinda like his last name but not its hard to explain

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Q: What does the 'Son' in Son Goku mean?
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What is gokus last name?

goku's last name is son but in japan last name is said first (example: Son Goku,Son Gohan)

What is the difference between son goku and goku?

nothing is diffrent son is gukus last name that's why they call him son goku.

Who is the boy with black hair in dragonball?

if you mean goku's son its gohan

Is goku and son goku the same person?

Yes. "Son" is his last name.

What is kamehameha's son's name?

If u mean goku his sons name was gohan

Who is Goku's third son?

Goku doesn't have a third son. He only has Gohan his first son and Goten his second son.

Do anyone knows the complete family tree of Goku?

Bardock - ? + (son)Goku(Kakarot) - Raditz(son) + Goku - Chi-Chi + (son)Gohan - Goten(son) + Gohan - Videl + Pan - ? + ?-? + ?-? Goku Jr. in dbgt the last episode, goku jr. is pans great grandson not her son... his parents are unknown

What is Goku's full name?

I Belive that Son Goku's full name is Son Wukong Goku because if you watched naruto u sholdve seen the...4tailed beast name as son goku and if you look up monkey god wukong would apear so my answer to tis question is son wukong goku

What is Goku's sons name?

goku jr it sounds stupid but for real it is you can find out on the last episode of gt and when vegeta jr fights him thats hes great great grand son but he does have a grandaughter named pan whois gohans daughter

What is gokus surname?

He doesn't have one, but his full name is Son Goku.

Who is the son of Goku of db?

Goku doesn't have a son in dragonball, he has two sons in dragonball z though, Gohan and Goten.

What is the main character's name in Dragonball?

Son Goku, commonly known as Goku.