It means to beat, slap or stab someone until their flesh had been so badly damaged that it loses it's structure, cells burst everywhere, and it feels softer. but by the point he'll be dead. that's where the execution part comes in.
Little stars indicate how many KO's you have made in Melee mode. The stars change if you change your name to one of your created names. Try to get as many stars as you can.
An item enchanted with the Mending enchantment, is capable of self-repair. When experience orbs are created, some of the experience will be absorbed by the weapon, and it will be repaired a little bit.
i mean with out strength at level 70 dharocks battleaxe is good for 70 attack =) for attack try saradomin godsword
They're just buttons, similar to L2 and R2 on a PS3 controller. It depends on what game you're playing. Some games don't use it , some use it for changing weapons, melee attacks, etc. They aren't a "special button"
If you want weapons in a certain non-weapon game, you're out of luck. However, if you mean when you're building, that's a lot easier. The best weapons, but also the hardest to find working, are on the "Free Models" database. You can get to this database by clicking the "Insert" button on the "build" or "edit" modes, then scroll down to the "Free Models" menu, and search for the weapon you want.
To TENDERIZE means to take a meat tenderizer ( found in Wal-Mart) and slam the meat
execution by electric
I know!
# A postponement, especially of an execution or other punishment. #: The governor granted a stay of execution.
If by "bomb" you mean a conventional explosive weapon, then the nuclear weapon is more powerful.
bludgeon, verb. to club, beat, bash, hit, slam, strike, batter, etc. Basically, if someone is bludgeoned to death, they are physically abused with a heavy object until they die. ---- Good Luck! Ache
In this case, it would mean to "bear arms" - as in "carry a weapon.""He bears his load.""He bears a weapon."It means, "To carry a weapon."
Something that can hurt you.
Usually, it means the weapon is not available for easy acess.
Yowzas! It's really fun alright, and a great multiplayer mode. By the way you do mean Super Smash Bros. Melee, right! I don't love fighting games, but this game is awesome!
Going to the Execution chamber