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Shot from a long distance with a high powered rifle.

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Q: What does sniped mean?
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What were the economic downfallls in England in 1800?

people getting sniped

Was Martin Luther King Jr attacked?

not really, he was sniped.

How do you die in halo reach?

You can get shot, blown up, assasinated, or sniped.

What is the conflict in Jacobs rescue?

yueruk died walking out of there apartment and getting sniped

In gears of war does anthomy carmine die?

yes, he gets sniped in the head by a sniper

Can a tactical shield block the double doors entrance?

Yes. Just don't turn around and get sniped by... ME!

Getting good at sniping on halo?

Hell yeah, when i was on foryge on Halo 3 I was behind a rock and sniped my friend in the head.

What was the cause of most US casualties during the war?

People get shot,sniped and,bombed! That's how most of the casualties are caused in the war

What mission does kat die in halo reach?

At the end of the mission 'New Alexandria.' She is sniped by a jackal as she and Noble 6 run towards a door.

What is another word for insulted?

rude, discourteous, abusive, derogatory, offensive, nasty ,contemptuousopprobrious

Define pi and write Brief History of Pi?

it came from Sir Alan Pi in 1898. he died 1 day after discovering it through being sniped by a Barrett .50cal

What six letter word can be made with letters n i p?

6-letter wordscatnip, genips, nipped, nipper, nipple, sniped, sniper, snipes, snippy, turnip, unipod