A tank in a tanker into which slops are pumped. These represent a residue of the ship's cargo of oil together with the water used to clean the cargo tanks. They are left to separate out in the slop tank.
Keep fighting the person you want to slap. To fight click on the sim and click on the mean option, soon it will allow you to to slap him.
have you seen pokemon the first movie?
frrfyhhyghbhy bhgjbjjg
* clap * flap * slap
slip, slop, slapslip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hatslip, slop, slap da dain the sun we always say, SLIP, SLOP, SLAP.
Here are some sun safety slogans: 1 - don't look at the sun when using a telescope. 2 - when u are outside in the summer make sure u wear sunscreen. 3 - don't look at the sun u can go blind. 4 - don't go to the sun the sun is extremely hot u can melt. 5- Slip, Slop, Slap! It sounds like a breeze when you say it like that Slip, Slop, Slap! In the sun we always say "Slip Slop Slap!" Slip, Slop, Slap! Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat, Slip, Slop, Slap! You can stop skin cancer - say: "Slip, Slop, Slap!"
an advertising slogan-slip on protective clothing, slop on some sun-screen lotion and slap on a hat...a phrase been widely used in Australia.
How about the usual like...Road safety, Being sun smart (slip slop slap), etc...
<sl> is two sounds. "s" and "l". slop slob slab slip slug slim slap Each of those words has 4 sounds.
By increasing their daily liquids intake, limiting movement, and avoiding direct sunlight. SLIP ON a long sleeved shirt SLAP ON a hat SLOP ON sun lotion, SPF 15 or higher.
wear a bucket hat, wear sunscreen that is 15spf-45spf and is uva and uvb protective. wear sunglasses and seek shade. So basically SLIP, SLOP. SLAP, SEEK, SLIDE
crack, black, whack, mac, jack, lack, knack, quack
The velocity of the water changes when the depth of the ocean floor changes and the queen of england has sex. The queen has a very saggy vagina aswell. Se is to old to get wet so she slathers a bottle of lube on her wrinckly flaps, and rubs it in..... SLIP SLOP SLAP! Is what she sais before she proceeds to dominate you.
No he should stand behind the stumps.
Stand up. Slap your teacher. Then walk out of the room.