The anagram is the plural noun "solstices" (calendar days with longest days or nights, which can mark the beginning of summer or winter).
Unscrambled? Tom Marvolo Riddle In Chamber of sercrets it is scrambled to "I am lord Voldemort"
Those letters will spell heating.
The letters 'isrdefn' unscrambled can spell the following words:FindersFriends
The letters 'talinger' can be unscrambled to spell the following words:AlertingAlteringIntegralRelatingTriangle
The letters 'tinoreiicppat' unscrambled spell the word precipitation.
Unscrambled? Tom Marvolo Riddle In Chamber of sercrets it is scrambled to "I am lord Voldemort"
runamok park
Those letters spell butterfly.
Those letters spell newsroom.
The word "aaicbter" unscrambled is "cabinet".
Those letters will spell heating.
The anagram is "centigrade" (usually used to mean Celsius).
The unscrambled word is "evolution."
The letters 'adflidfos' unscrambled spell the word daffodils.
The letters 'gnesgnii' unscrambled spell the word singeing.