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respiration lets you breath longer in water and increases the time between drown DMG.

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Q: What does respiration do in minecraft?
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What does respiration do on Minecraft?

Respiration in Minecraft allows you do breathe longer under water. Aqua infinity is the enchantment that allows you to mine faster underwater.

What does Minecraft do?

respiration lets you breath longer in water and increases the time between drown DMG.

What does respiration mean in minecraft?

The Respiration enchantment increases your underwater breathing time by 15 seconds and increases the amount of time between each point of drowning damage by 1 second.

What does book of respiration do on Minecraft?

respiration lets you breath longer in water and increases the time between drown DMG.

How do you use respiration enchantment in minecraft?

Simply wear the helmet (or other armor piece, if you somehow have that) with the enchantment while underwater. It will be applied automatically.

What enchantment will help you breathe underwater in minecraft?

The enchantment, Respiration, will help you breathe underwater. Not only that, but it makes your vision clearer while swimming underwater.

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Respiration with and without oxygen is called?

Respiration with oxygen is called aerobic respiration, and respiration without oxygen is called anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration produces more energy than anaerobic respiration.

The Difference of aerobic respiration and unaerobic respiration?

Aerobic Respiration: Respiration that requires oxygen Anaerobic Respiration: respiration that does not use oxygen aerobic respiration is continuous. anaerobic respiration has no new subsrates from photosynthesis to continue. it is usually shorter and not as efficient.

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minecraft is dogwater