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Quick revive helps you heal other teamates much faster

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Q: What does quick revive do on multiplayer black ops zombies?
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Related questions

What does the quick revive do on solo on black ops zombies?

when you die the game revives you

Do you have to start from level 1 every time you die in Call of Duty Black OPS Zombie mode?

if you are on black ops 1 solo yes unles you have quick revive it will revive you in black ops 1 zombies multiplayer no if at least 1 player is alive you can also be revived after dying in black ops 2 solo you can start from round 1 , 5 , 10 or 20 in black ops 2 multiplayer zombies yes unles at least 1 is alive you can be riveved

What are the power ups in zombies on black ops?

Zombies: Root Beer- Double Tap Speed Cola - faster reloading Quick Revive - Revive Allies Faster Jugg-Nog - More Health

Does quick revive work in world at war zombies on iPhone?


What should I do if Thomas keeps dying in black ops zombies run away or risk helping?

I suggest you run but If you have enough money get Juggernog or Quick Revive( I suggest Juggernog because Quick Revive doesn`t always work ) then go nuts and kill the zombies.

What are all the perks in call of duty black ops zombies?

Quick revive, juggernog or juggernaut, Speed Cola, and Double tap.

Why does the quick revive machine disappear after you use it a few times in black ops zombies?

In single-player it disappears, because you would never die. You could always buy a new quick revive. It disappears after 3 uses.

How do you turn on Reviving on Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies?

if you are on single player you need quick revive you can only get it 3 times.

What are all the types of perks you can get in call of duty zombies?

it depend sif your playing black ops zombies or world at war zombies black op zombies has stamin up double tap and PhD flopper regular world at war zombies has speed cola jugger nog and quick revive

What does quick revive do in co-op zombies?

It makes your dick hard and your hair smoother. :-)

What are the perks in black ops zombies?

juggernog, speed cola, quick revive, mule kick, double tap rootbeer, stamin up, phd flopper, deadshot,

What does a quick revive do in black ops?

Quick Revive 1. Buy quick revive for 1500 2. It will let you revive players faster and sometimes let you withstand more hits from a zombie. Thanks Hope this helped Roadboy98