

Best Answer

u dont know cos u can't read it check first if u can't u can't

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Q: What does professor oaks letter say-Pokemon platinum?
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Related questions

How do you get professor oaks letter in platinum without cheats?

only with a event

Where do you get oaks letter in platinum?

you use a action replay and use it to get oaks letter

HOW to get oaks letter in platinum?

Event or cheat

Does anyone have professor oaks letter in Pokemon?


How do you get oaks letter on platinum?

go to a Nintendo event.

How do you get into the extra area in backlot mansion on Pokemon platinum?

u need oaks letter that's where shaymin is get oaks letter.

Is oak's letter shareable in Pokemon Platinum?

No. The Shaymin event (oaks letter) in Pokemon platinum is not shareable. ~Bellafuzz

What event caused shaymin to come out in platinum?

oaks letter

A video where to get oaks letter in platinum?

You get it over mystery gift.

How do you get professor oaks letter from a person in green?

that was an event to get shaymin! i dont think you can get it the only way to get oaks letter is from an AR code

Can you get oaks letter at any time in platinum?

No. You can only get it by mystery gift.

What do you do with oaks letter on Pokemon Platinum?

take it to the rock up there by the Pokemon league