Your Monstar Rating shows how popular your monster is in Monstro City. The more friends and other owners that visit your home, the more popular you'll become. You start at Z and can climb all the way up to become an A-List Monstar.
Your Monstar Rating shows how popular your monster is in Monstro City. The more friends and other owners that visit your home, the more popular you'll become. You start at Z and can climb all the way up to become an A-List Monstar.
Your MonSTAR rating is how popular you are. The closer your rating is to A, the closer you are to being MonSTAR of the week which gives you a TON of gifts and you become really popular!Monstar A: Hit A List At: 56,044Monstar B: Hit B List At: 35,901 VisitsMonstar C: Hit C List At: 22,818 VisitsMonstar D: Hit D List At: 14,596 VisitsMonstar E: Hit E List At: 9,132 VisitsMonstar F: Hit F List At: 6,380 VisitsMonstar G: Hit G List At: 4,110 VisitsMonstar H Hit H List At: 2668 VisitsMonstar I: Hit I List At: 1,715 VisitsMonstar J: Hit J List At:1,010 VisitsMonstar K: Hit K List At: 719 VisitsMonstar L: Hit L List At: 464 VisitsMonstar M: Hit M List At: 306 VisitsMonstar N: Hit N List At: 197 VisitsMonstar O: Hit O List: 100 VisitsMonstar P: Hit P List At: 50 VisitsMonstar Q: Hit Q List At: 35 VisitsMonstar S: Hit S List At: 22 VisitsMonstar T: Hit T List At: 15 VisitsMonstar U: Hit U List At:10 VisitsMonstar V: Hit V List At:10 VisitsMonstar X: Hit X List At: 5 VisitsMonstar Y: Hit Y List At: 3 visitsMonstar Z: Hit Z List At: 1 VisitThe MonStar shows how popular your monster is. It starts at Z and then goes up to A. If you are an A MonStar then it means you are the top of the list.
A poppet is a pink little monster
If you mean Squidge to get her plant: Any magic beans Any star blosom Any star blosom
it means your account is banned for a while. so if you get a message saying 'Your account has been suspended for 24 hours' it means your account is banned for 24 hours.
There is a list on Moshi Monsters called the MonStar List. You start at Z and have to work your way up to A by getting people to be your friend and having people see your house. So, a U monster is just your rating in the MonStar List.
Your Monstar Rating shows how popular your monster is in Monstro City. The more friends and other owners that visit your home, the more popular you'll become. You start at Z and can climb all the way up to become an A-List Monstar. As you get more friends and more people rate your room, you improve your list. The aim is to get to list A.
Your Monstar Rating shows how popular your monster is in Monstro City. The more friends and other owners that visit your home, the more popular you'll become. You start at Z and can climb all the way up to become an A-List Monstar.
Monstar list is how popular you are on Mosh Monsters. The Aim is to get to A list.
if you're talking about the 'best' person on moshi, I would say it is a person called silly. they are level 50 and monstar A. If you look them up you will see what I mean
maybe back 2 z
there isn't any numbers
The letter Y under MonSTAR means you are a level Y MonSTAR. To get your MonSTAR level higher, other Moshi Monsters need to visit and rate your room. To get others to visit and rate your room, you need to visit their rooms, become their friend, and post to their Pin Boards, asking them to visit and rate your room.
The letter R under MonSTAR means you are a level R MonSTAR. To get your MonSTAR level higher, other Moshi Monsters need to visit and rate your room. To get others to visit and rate your room, you need to visit their rooms, become their friend, and post to their Pin Boards, asking them to visit and rate your room.
it means how popular you and you're monster is if you were a A star it means that you are really popular
Your MonSTAR rating is how popular you are. The closer your rating is to A, the closer you are to being MonSTAR of the week which gives you a TON of gifts and you become really popular!Monstar A: Hit A List At: 56,044Monstar B: Hit B List At: 35,901 VisitsMonstar C: Hit C List At: 22,818 VisitsMonstar D: Hit D List At: 14,596 VisitsMonstar E: Hit E List At: 9,132 VisitsMonstar F: Hit F List At: 6,380 VisitsMonstar G: Hit G List At: 4,110 VisitsMonstar H Hit H List At: 2668 VisitsMonstar I: Hit I List At: 1,715 VisitsMonstar J: Hit J List At:1,010 VisitsMonstar K: Hit K List At: 719 VisitsMonstar L: Hit L List At: 464 VisitsMonstar M: Hit M List At: 306 VisitsMonstar N: Hit N List At: 197 VisitsMonstar O: Hit O List: 100 VisitsMonstar P: Hit P List At: 50 VisitsMonstar Q: Hit Q List At: 35 VisitsMonstar S: Hit S List At: 22 VisitsMonstar T: Hit T List At: 15 VisitsMonstar U: Hit U List At:10 VisitsMonstar V: Hit V List At:10 VisitsMonstar X: Hit X List At: 5 VisitsMonstar Y: Hit Y List At: 3 visitsMonstar Z: Hit Z List At: 1 VisitThe MonStar shows how popular your monster is. It starts at Z and then goes up to A. If you are an A MonStar then it means you are the top of the list.
The best Moshi Monsters become high level MonStars and can win MonStar of the week. All you need to do is be nice to every monster, visit other monsters, shop till you drop, decorate your room, and give your monster lots of food and keep is as happy as possible. Never be mean. Check the Daily Growl everyday. Get more moshlings. MonStars start at level Z and move up. The highest level for MonStars is A.