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Moderately means average;ordinary;nothing special.

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Q: What does moderatly mean?
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It is moderatly warm in a low pressure system

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i do not think so. it was probably just something they did to make the show interesting.

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One type of fish that is described as moderately fat would be Mahi Mahi.

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its an ability. Wobbufets have this ability and they're in safari zone but are moderatly rare.

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Yes, in both the Superposed and the Citori. They can range in value just moderatly expensive to scarry.

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the CO2 cartridges must be checked frequently and even moderatly drinking can lead to short term impairments(A+)

How you take your nose?

pain wise for a piercing it hurts if its not done properly it has to be done with moderatly fast speed , otherwise you can fell every layer pop and that will hurt . ¬¬ so dont do it

Is 13 sometimes lucky?

Luck is moderatly logical and as 13 being my favorite number i would definitely say yes yes yes i would love recommendation bye

How short should i cut my bob'?

I say cut it as short as you want. But if you want really short go for the pixie cut, if you want moderatly short i would go for the inverted bob.

Why can someone weighting 230 pounds that eats 1000 to 1200 colories a day and exercise moderatly not lose weight what could be wrong?

Not getting enough sleep or being stressed out too much.