Makaveli backwards spells: ilevakam; now pronounce it... ilev= i live akam= i come.......... 2Pacs lives
Makaveli backwards spells: ilevakam; now pronounce it... ilev= i live akam= i come.......... 2Pacs lives
2pac called him self prince makaveli, prince Makaveli faked his death then came back
PERSONALLY, i think 2pac is dead, But makaveli isn't dead. Yknawm mean?
2Pac, Pac, and Makaveli in the earlie years : MC New York
Tupac Shakur (2pac) created Makaveli as a replacement for what he believed was himself to be reincarnated. Makaveli was to live on after Tupac's death, as he knew he would soon die. His newer version would give Tupac vengeance over all enemies and foes to manifest his redemption. Makaveli was introduced on the All Eyez on Me album and persist on all albums after. Just as Tupac was cultivated in the penitentiary system so was Makaveli. From the reading of Machiavelli's book, The Prince, this would create a platform for his deceptive war tactics. A platform to destroy enemy rappers and an exit to Death Row Records would give Tupac the ultimate reward; invincibility!
machiavelli, he faked his death
mak alive
he was also known as makaveli
He is also known as Makaveli.
I guess we will have to wait and see!
Machiavelli- mak-ee-a-velli
it was tupac amuru shakur a.k.a makaveli