This is basically stating there will be a vote. Depending on which gets majority, whether it's yes or no.
Yeas and nays, yield the floor and yield time are government related terms. They begin with the letter y.
2-letter wordsae, ag, am, an, as, ay, em, en, es, ma, me, my, na, ne, ya, ye3-letter wordsage, ane, any, aye, ays, egg, ems, eng, ens, gae, gag, gam, gan, gas, gay, gem, gey, gym, mae, mag, man, mas, may, men, nae, nag, nam, nay, sae, sag, say, sea, seg, sen, syn, yam, yea, yen, yes4-letter wordsages, amen, anes, ayes, easy, eggs, eggy, engs, eyas, gaen, gaes, gage, gags, game, gams, gamy, gane, gang, gays, gems, gens, gyms, maes, mage, mags, mane, mans, many, mays, mean, mesa, myna, nags, name, nays, nema, sage, sagy, same, sane, sang, seam, snag, snye, syne, yams, yang, yean, yeas, yegg, yens5-letter wordsamens, gages, games, gamey, gangs, mages, manes, mange, mangy, manse, means, meany, mensa, mynas, naggy, names, nemas, saggy, seamy, yamen, yangs, yeans, yeggs6-letter wordsgagmen, gasmen, manges, mangey, snaggy, yamens7-letter wordsyeggman136 words found.
2-letter wordsae, ai, as, at, ay, ba, be, bi, by, es, et, is, it, ka, si, ta, ti, ya, ye3-letter wordsaby, ais, ait, ask, ate, ave, aye, ays, bas, bat, bay, bet, bey, bis, bit, bye, bys, eat, eta, its, ivy, kab, kae, kas, kat, kay, kea, kev, key, kit, sab, sae, sat, say, sea, sei, set, sib, sit, ska, ski, sky, sty, tab, tae, tas, tav, tea, tie, tis, tsk, tye, vas, vat, vet, via, vie, vis, yak, yea, yes, yet4-letter wordsabet, abye, abys, aits, ates, aves, ayes, bait, bake, base, bask, bast, bate, bats, bays, beak, beat, best, beta, bets, bevy, beys, bias, bike, bise, bisk, bite, bits, byes, byte, east, easy, eats, etas, eyas, isba, kabs, kaes, kats, kays, keas, keys, kibe, kist, kite, kits, kiva, kvas, kyat, kyte, sabe, sake, saki, sate, sati, save, seat, seta, sike, site, skat, skit, stab, stay, stey, stye, syke, tabs, take, task, tavs, teak, teas, ties, tike, tivy, tyes, tyke, vase, vast, vats, vest, vets, vibe, vies, visa, vise, vita, yaks, yeas, yeti5-letter wordsabets, abyes, baits, bakes, baste, bates, batik, beaks, beaky, beast, beats, betas, bikes, bites, bitsy, bytes, kibes, kites, kivas, kyats, kytes, skate, skiey, skite, skive, stake, stave, steak, tabes, takes, teaks, tikes, tykes, vasty, vesta, vibes, vista, vitae, yeast, yetis, yikes6-letter wordsbasket, batiks215 words found.
2-letter wordsae, ai, as, at, ay, ba, be, bi, by, es, et, is, it, ka, si, ta, ti, ya, ye3-letter wordsaby, ais, ait, ask, ate, ave, aye, ays, bas, bat, bay, bet, bey, bis, bit, bye, bys, eat, eta, its, ivy, kab, kae, kas, kat, kay, kea, kev, key, kit, sab, sae, sat, say, sea, sei, set, sib, sit, ska, ski, sky, sty, tab, tae, tas, tav, tea, tie, tis, tsk, tye, vas, vat, vet, via, vie, vis, yak, yea, yes, yet4-letter wordsabet, abye, abys, aits, ates, aves, ayes, bait, bake, base, bask, bast, bate, bats, bays, beak, beat, best, beta, bets, bevy, beys, bias, bike, bise, bisk, bite, bits, byes, byte, east, easy, eats, etas, eyas, isba, kabs, kaes, kats, kays, keas, keys, kibe, kist, kite, kits, kiva, kvas, kyat, kyte, sabe, sake, saki, sate, sati, save, seat, seta, sike, site, skat, skit, stab, stay, stey, stye, syke, tabs, take, task, tavs, teak, teas, ties, tike, tivy, tyes, tyke, vase, vast, vats, vest, vets, vibe, vies, visa, vise, vita, yaks, yeas, yeti5-letter wordsabets, abyes, baits, bakes, baste, bates, batik, beaks, beaky, beast, beats, betas, bikes, bites, bitsy, bytes, kibes, kites, kivas, kyats, kytes, skate, skiey, skite, skive, stake, stave, steak, tabes, takes, teaks, tikes, tykes, vasty, vesta, vibes, vista, vitae, yeast, yetis, yikes6-letter wordsbasket, batiks215 words found.
4-letter wordsaahs, aals, abas, abys, aces, acts, adds, ados, agas, ages, aids, ails, aims, ains, airs, aits, alas, albs, ales, alls, alms, alps, alts, amas, amis, amps, amus, anas, ands, anes, anis, ants, anus, apes, arbs, arcs, ares, arfs, arks, arms, arts, ates, auks, aves, avos, awes, awls, awns, axes, axis, ayes, baas, bads, bags, bals, bams, bans, bars, bats, bays, beds, bees, begs, bels, bens, bets, beys, bias, bibs, bids, bins, bios, bits, boas, bobs, bods, bogs, boos, bops, bots, bows, boys, bras, bris, bubs, buds, bugs, bums, buns, burs, buts, buys, byes, cabs, cads, cams, cans, caps, cars, cats, caws, cays, cees, ceps, chis, cobs, cods, cogs, cols, cons, coos, cops, cots, cows, coys, cris, crus, cubs, cuds, cues, cups, curs, cuts, cwms, dabs, dads, dags, dahs, dais, daks, dals, dams, daps, daws, days, debs, dees, dels, dens, devs, dews, deys, dibs, dies, digs, dims, dins, dips, dits, docs, does, dogs, dols, doms, dons, dors, dots, dows, drys, dubs, duds, dues, dugs, duns, duos, dups, dyes, ears, eats, ebbs, ecus, edhs, eels, effs, efts, eggs, egis, egos, ekes, elds, elks, ells, elms, emes, emus, ends, engs, eons, epos, eras, ergs, erns, eros, errs, etas, eths, eves, ewes, exes, eyas, eyes, fads, fags, fans, fats, fays, feds, fees, fehs, fems, fens, fets, feus, fibs, fids, figs, fils, fins, firs, fits, flus, fobs, foes, fogs, fons, fops, foys, fubs, fuds, fugs, funs, furs, gabs, gads, gaes, gags, gals, gams, gaps, gars, gats, gays, geds, gees, gels, gems, gens, gets, ghis, gibs, gids, gies, gigs, gins, gips, gnus, goas, gobs, gods, goes, goos, guls, gums, guns, guts, guvs, guys, gyms, gyps, haes, hags, hahs, hams, haps, hats, haws, hays, hehs, hems, hens, hers, hets, hews, hies, hins, hips, hits, hobs, hods, hoes, hogs, hols, hons, hops, hots, hows, hoys, hubs, hues, hugs, hums, huns, huts, hyps, ibis, ices, ichs, ides, ilks, ills, imps, inks, inns, ions, ires, iris, irks, iwis, jabs, jags, jams, jars, jaws, jays, jees, jets, jibs, jigs, jins, jobs, joes, jogs, jots, jows, joys, jugs, juts, kaas, kabs, kaes, kafs, kats, kays, keas, kefs, kegs, kens, keps, keys, khis, kids, kifs, kins, kips, kirs, kits, koas, kobs, kops, kors, kris, kues, kvas, labs, lacs, lads, lags, lams, laps, lars, lats, lavs, laws, lays, leas, lees, legs, leis, leks, lens, lets, leys, libs, lids, lies, lins, lips, lits, lobs, logs, loos, lops, lots, lows, lues, lugs, lums, luvs, lyes, macs, mads, maes, mags, mans, maps, mars, mats, maws, mays, mels, mems, mews, mhos, mibs, mids, migs, mils, mirs, moas, mobs, mods, mogs, mols, moms, mons, moos, mops, mors, mots, mows, muds, mugs, mums, muns, muts, nabs, nags, naos, naps, nays, nebs, nets, news, nibs, nils, nims, nips, nits, nobs, nods, noes, nogs, noms, nous, nows, nubs, nuns, nuts, oafs, oaks, oars, oats, obes, obis, ocas, odds, odes, offs, ohms, oils, okas, okes, olds, oles, ones, onus, oohs, oops, oots, opes, opts, opus, orbs, orcs, ores, orts, ouds, ours, outs, owes, owls, owns, oxes, oyes, pacs, pads, pals, pams, pans, paps, pars, pats, paws, pays, peas, pecs, peds, pees, pegs, pehs, pens, peps, pets, pews, phis, pias, pics, pies, pigs, pins, pips, pits, plus, pods, pois, pols, pons, pops, pots, pows, pros, pubs, puds, pugs, puls, puns, pups, purs, puts, pyas, pyes, qats, rads, rags, rams, raps, rats, raws, rays, rebs, recs, reds, rees, refs, regs, reis, rems, reps, rets, revs, rhos, rhus, rias, ribs, rids, rifs, rigs, rims, rins, rips, robs, rocs, rods, roes, roms, rots, rows, rubs, rues, rugs, rums, runs, ruts, ryas, ryes, tabs, tads, tags, tams, tans, taos, taps, tars, tats, taus, tavs, taws, teas, teds, tees, tegs, tels, tens, tets, tews, this, thus, tics, ties, tils, tins, tips, tits, tods, toes, togs, toms, tons, tops, tors, tots, tows, toys, tubs, tugs, tuis, tuns, tups, tuts, twas, twos, tyes, udos, ughs, ukes, ulus, umps, upas, urbs, urds, urns, urus, utas, vacs, vans, vars, vats, vaus, vavs, vaws, vees, vets, vies, vigs, vims, vins, voes, vows, vugs, wabs, wads, waes, wags, wans, waps, wars, wats, waws, ways, webs, weds, wees, wens, wets, whys, wigs, wins, wits, woes, woks, wons, woos, wots, wows, wyes, wyns, yaks, yams, yaps, yaws, yays, yeas, yens, yews, yins, yips, yobs, yods, yoks, yows, yuks, ywis, zags, zaps, zeds, zees, zeks, zigs, zips, zits, zoos
Yes it is passed by saying yeas and nays. Weird, uh?
In the House: 263 Yeas and 171 Nays. In the Senate: 74 Yeas and 25 Nays. Adding links to full list of votes.
· yeas and nays · yield · yield the floor · yield time
· yeas and nays · yield · yield the floor · yield time
The spelling of the word is aye (also seen as the naval "aye, aye").The use of ayes and nays is another form of yeas and nays.
Yeas and nays and yield time are words used in the U.S. Congress. They begin with the letter Y.
Yeas and nays, yield the floor and yield time are government related terms. They begin with the letter y.
Some rhymes include: daze faze gaze glaze haze laze (to lie about lazily) maze maize bays bay's days day's Fay's gays hays Hayes jays lays Mays May's neighs nays (the nays have it - have the majority of the vote) quays pays rays ways yeas (the yeas have it - have the majority of the vote)
The word "yield" frequently is used during debates in government legislative bodies. Upon counting the votes in a legislative body, they announce the number of "yeas and nays".
It requires a proportion of one-fifth yea and nay votes of the members of the House present before the results can be entered on the journal. This is stated in clause 3 of section 5 in the United States Constitution.
yeas yeas he will its on madden ratings
All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States: If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law. Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a B