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You either have an eye infection or a severe irritation. Get some eye drops from your pharmacist (no prescription necessary). If it doesn't go away in a few days, see a doctor.

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Q: What does it mean if puss is coming out of your eye?
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then it might be sick ask the vet

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How old is the bunny? Is the eye full of puss? If the bunny is around 10 days of age he just hasn't finished opening yet. If the eye has puss he has an infection, you need eye drops from a vet.

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you have a ear infection !

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its infected

Is puss bad?

No!puss is simply one way the body sends bacteria out of the body.If puss is coming out of a bruise/scab its a good thing,it means your getting better.

Why is there puss coming from your penis?

u got gonorrhea dude

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