When you get the 'sorry not elegible' sign on runescape, it means your either insufficient level or player status to do something in the game.
You are not eligible to make an account if you are under 13 or are banned.
There is no such thing as a cheat engine for Runescape, anything claiming to be is likely malware.
no non members can not get pets. sorry!
The answer would probably be impossible to find out, sorry.
You are not eligible to make an account if you are under 13 or are banned.
No, sorry :(
sorry don't know but ask on the runescape fourms
Sorry, it is against the runescape rules of play.
No sorry
Sorry, there is no cheats in Runescape
No, sorry mate.
Turn it off. Sorry :(
No, sorry.
No sorry, it is against the Jagex rules of play to lend out Runescape Accounts.
There is no such thing as a cheat engine for Runescape, anything claiming to be is likely malware.