You will not have a baby dragon anymore but a slightly grown dragon companion.You will have to spend 10.000 for growing your dragon so it will become a toddler and you will be able to have another pet too.But if you are battling a titan or something like that your dragon will become an adult automaticly for that. WARNING:Your dragon will only be adult for titan fights like Xan titan fight then when its finished it will become a baby/toddler again.
No,you need a dragon amulet to summon, elementalize, and train your dragon on dragon fable
You can't.
it allows you to have dragonlord class on aqw, the code is the log in details for a dragon fable account. The dragon fable account nust be a dragon lord on that game for the code to work. (you have to have a dragon amulet).
in hunters paradise :) :)
You don't.
I heav dragon fable
No,you need a dragon amulet to summon, elementalize, and train your dragon on dragon fable
The way you make your dragon sleep on dragon fable is all too simple.
you cant finish dragon fable because it has 1,000 dragon amulet quest in there:(
You can buy it at cyseros orb in his store in dragon fable but it cost dragon coins
in dragon fable go to Twilly and click on dragon egg saga do all the quests get a dragon amulet and there you go pick your egg and you have a dragon
DA stands for dragon amulet in dragon fable. it's an cool upgrade but you have to buy it with real money.
ooh dragon fable! what else hello kitty island adventure? >.<
Yes mechquest is way better than dragon fable.
there is no pladin shop in dragon fable there is paladin training in artix in necropolis
A person can find magma daggers on the game Dragon Fable by digging in the pit of the volcano. Dragon Fable is a MMORPG that is free to play as of July 2013.