Jason, but boy is this question miscategorized.
There are no 4, 5, 6, or 7 letters words that RRRRHET can spell. The only 4 common words that can be made are: err, her, the, and he.
table, alive, exact, field, harem
Tiger is an animal. It has 5 letters and begins with T.
You do realize this question makes no sense, come on man, I know you probably work at a pizza shop but, there is more to life. If you mean, how many letters BEFORE f.... That is 5 or five. If you mean, how many letters AFTER f... That is 10 or ten. Good luck in kindergarden
If you mean in 5 letters then it is: TODAY
Your grammar makes no sense, I'm guessing you mean "A word with 5 letters that has B as the third letter." Answer: Amber Debut Table
Argue is the word :)
4/5 on Common Sense Media, 4.5/5 on Touch Arcade, and 4.3/5 on iTunes.