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anti aliasing (AA) is the process of smoothing edges so they dont appear jagged. The number associated with it (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x) is the number of samples taken to smooth it. to make it appear smoother, pixels around an area are added together then an average color is found. basically, the higher the number, the smoother it will appear. however, AA is some of the most taxing work that a CPU/GPU will do and can quickly overwhelm it

the wikipedia article here shows very good examples of the different levels of anti aliasing

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Q: What does anti aliasing mean?
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What is Effects of anti aliasing?

Anti- aliasing smoothens the edges after rendering a shape. It can be done using many algorithms

What is Effects of anti-aliasing?

Anti- aliasing smoothens the edges after rendering a shape. It can be done using many algorithms

What is 4xAA?

4 x (anti-aliasing)

What is the function of an anti aliasing device?

An anti aliasing device uses the technique of minimizing distortion when presenting a high-resolution image at a lower worst quality image. Anti aliasing devices are often used in photography, computer graphics and digital audio among other things.

Why can you not get the anti-aliasing in the Crysis demo to work you put anti-aliasing on 4X and when you get out of the menu and go back it's off?

Because its a shortcut to the advanced settings. Next time, set the Shaders to Low, then switch on the Anti Aliasing. Then apply and go back to the options. You'll see that the AA is back on off, but the advanbce options, Shaders is on High. So it does work.

How can you overcome the aliasing effect?

To overcome the aliasing effect, you can increase the sampling rate or use an anti-aliasing filter before sampling the signal. Additionally, you can employ oversampling techniques or apply signal processing algorithms like interpolation or filtering to reduce or eliminate aliasing artifacts in the signal.

What is anti-alias filter?

From the Vibration Analysis Dictionary ( Aliasing - A phenomenon which can occur whenever a signal is not sampled at greater than twice the maximum frequency component, causing high frequency signals to appear at low frequencies. Aliasing is avoided by filtering out signals greater than half the sample rate. Anti-aliasing filter - A low-pass filter designed to filter out frequencies higher than 1/2 the sample rate in order to prevent aliasing.

What does aliases mean?

anti aliasing (AA) is the process of smoothing edges so they dont appear jagged. The number associated with it (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x) is the number of samples taken to smooth it. to make it appear smoother, pixels around an area are added together then an average color is found. basically, the higher the number, the smoother it will appear. however, AA is some of the most taxing work that a CPU/GPU will do and can quickly overwhelm it the wikipedia article here shows very good examples of the different levels of anti aliasing

How do you speed up the sims on your computer?

Turn down the graphics options. Shadows and anti-aliasing are major computer eating elements of games.

Why does call of duty world at war crash when changing resolution or anti aliasing setting?

It most likely has scratches or a ring my game does the same

What is anti-aliasing in counter strike 1.6?

Its the smoothing for the game so you dont see the rough edges or rough shadowes ect. But if your computer is slow it will slow it down.

Why is my Dead Island on PC very laggy?

Your computer is probably below recommended specs. Try turning down the anti-aliasing, the resolution, texture quality etc.