Adroit means that you have a very sharp, intelligent mind. It can also mean that you are very good when performing tasks with your hands.
artful, adroit, shrewd, astute, crafty
Feux mean Fire and le mean the. The Fire
What does videlicet mean
Zakuro mean pomegranate
uncornaded is not a word. But if you mean uncoordinated it mean lacking in cooperative planning and organization.
The word adroit comes from the French adroit, which is a form of the phrase "a droit". This means "according to right," from the Latin word directum, which means right or justice.
Culturally adroit term is most closely associated with politics and the field of criminal justice. If you are culturally adroit then you're skilled in interacting across gender, ethnic, generational, social and political group lines.
Adroit is an adjective.
Adroit means clever or skillful with your hands.He's adroit at wood carving.She is an adroit magician.
skillful, adroit, deft, clever
The noun form of the adjective adroit is adroitness.
Many were also very adroit interms of choosing a school.
Synonyms may be adroit, or skillful.
Synonyms for adroit include able, adept, capable, skillful, dexterous, or agile.
Talk about cack-handed! He probably thinks adroit is a city in Michigan.
Dexterous means: "Demonstrating neat skill, especially with the hands; Mentally adroit or clever".