A dstt card is like a memory slot for all the nds game roms you have. You load your nds and choose which game you want to play.
DSTT is a very popular card compatible with SDHC cards. Recently, the DSTT has fallen to the same problem as the R4: clones have found their way into the market. Many manufacturers are making cards that imitate the package and look of the DSTT. Some clones change the name (ie: DSTT-ADV or CN-DSTT) but most label their product as DSTT even if they are not affiliated by real DSTT Team. There is now a lot of information on DSTT official website to identify fakes and clones. and even a guide to telling if a DSTT is real or fake. Contrary to popular belief, running any unoriginal DSTT card does not "brick" a Nintendo DS. It is possible that the card itself will not work, but it does not affect hardware in any way. The most common problem with a legit DSTT card is the infamous "Menu?" screen, much like the dreaded R4 "Loading" screen, which is usually a software issue and can be easily fixed by installing the software from the DSTT website onto your micro SD card.-Wikipedia
http://www.modpiiri.com/asennusohjeet/dstt/dstt117.zip TTDS English v.1.17 MENU
I recently bought an EZ Flash V 3-1 to use rumble and ram and gba for my DSTT. Every time I load a game that supports rumble however, it says there is no rumble pak. It;s the same for Opera Browser, it says there is no memory expansion. I have the GBA Loader, but it can't find the Pak either. Can someone please hep me, I'm a bit of a noob at this...
on your menu screen go to a thing that looks like a wrench and that is your settings go to the network ball thing and it will asks for what language you want touch it and then it will change, if the games are in a different language you cant change it.
"Card of Last Will" (not to be confused with a card called 'Last Will') is an anime-only card and has never been printed as a real card.
DSTT is a memory card for Nintendo DS
From TTDS.com
it depends on the size of the memory card inserted into the DSTT. The maximum is 4 Gig.
DSTT is a very popular card compatible with SDHC cards. Recently, the DSTT has fallen to the same problem as the R4: clones have found their way into the market. Many manufacturers are making cards that imitate the package and look of the DSTT. Some clones change the name (ie: DSTT-ADV or CN-DSTT) but most label their product as DSTT even if they are not affiliated by real DSTT Team. There is now a lot of information on DSTT official website to identify fakes and clones. and even a guide to telling if a DSTT is real or fake. Contrary to popular belief, running any unoriginal DSTT card does not "brick" a Nintendo DS. It is possible that the card itself will not work, but it does not affect hardware in any way. The most common problem with a legit DSTT card is the infamous "Menu?" screen, much like the dreaded R4 "Loading" screen, which is usually a software issue and can be easily fixed by installing the software from the DSTT website onto your micro SD card.-Wikipedia
you can't really get it anywhere you have to buy a dstt at www.dsttshop.com if you have a ds lite get a dstt if you have a dsi get a DSTTi and you download it on the micro sd card that comes with the dstt any questions E-mail me at mallet91799@yahoo.com
yes it does. everything that works on a r4 works on the dstt card. it is the second version of it.
I often buy it on line,if you wanna more information,you can contact me.I'd love to help you.
poke sav is for dstt its an sav file dstt is something to download games sav is a save file
You'd probably be looking at the original R4 which is no longer in official production, or a DSTT. Try dscardworld or nds-gear.
well you have to have some program and it has to be in a certant format. i really dont no but you can go look on google and type it in and it will tell you. sorry im not much help.
Around 30.
yes if it is the dstti it will work but if its the dstt it will not work and besides on the dstti case it says it reads dsi and ds lite if it dosent say it then it won't