Victreebel does not have an evolution. It is the second and final evolution of Bellsprout. Nothing comes after Victreebel.
you must evolve weepinbell which you can get from routes 24, 25 and 44 and from safari zone
Bellsprout evolves at level 21 into Weepinbell, then you can use a Leaf Stone to evolve it into a Victreebel.
No, Magneton cannot evolve in Pokémon HeartGold.
Get it to level 20, and it should evolve.
Misdreavus doesn't evolve
Catch a Bellsprout and train it. It will evolve into Weepinbell and then into Victreebel.
you must evolve weepinbell which you can get from routes 24, 25 and 44 and from safari zone
You will either have to evolve a Weepinbell with a leaf stone or trade it from somebody
You have to use a leaf stone to evolve weepinbell into victreebel.
Victreebel does not evolve at any specific level because it cannot evolve due to already being a fully evolved Pokémon.
with a leafstone
it evolves into victreebel when you use a leaf stone
Bellsprout evolves at level 21 into Weepinbell, then you can use a Leaf Stone to evolve it into a Victreebel.
weepinbell to victreebel (eevee evolves into leafeon via level-up near the mossy rock in eterna forest). Also, gloom, nuzleaf and exeggcute evolve with the leaf stone. Causes Gloom to evolve into Vileplume. Causes Weepinbell to evolve into Victreebel. Causes Exeggcute to evolve into Exeggutor. Causes Nuzleaf to evolve into Shiftry.
To get a Victreebel, use a leaf stone on Weepinbell.
Arbok does not evolve.
Sandslash does not evolve.