Sonic is an anthropomorphic hedgehog who stands at 100cm tall and weighs 35kg. He has 6 blue quills on his head that point downward and two on his upper back and a small arched blue tail. Sonic has a peach coloured muzzle, arms and his stomach area is also peach coloured. Sonic has large eyes with green irises. He has two small cat-like ears that have a forward slant with peach coloured fur on the inside and a long black nose.
For attire, Sonic wears two white cuffed gloves, on his feet are white socks and red sneakers with a white strap and gold buckle on each shoe. His attire occasionally changes through some games, but this is what he normally wears.
sonic hedgehog
The anagram of sonic the hedgehog "sonic the hedgehog."
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic The Hedgehog(SatAM) Sonic Underground Sonic the Hedgehog The Movie Sonic X
Its adventures of sonic the hedgehog, sonic x, and others like that
Sonic the hedgehog is, as his name suggests, a hedgehog.
sonic hedgehog
Her name is Sonia and she is from Sonic Underground. Shes is a hedgehog with a pink and purple color scheme. Just google "Sonia- Sonic Underground"
I don't think she has every heard of Sonic the Hedgehog.
The anagram of sonic the hedgehog "sonic the hedgehog."
No. He only treats her like a friend. If it's the comic from Archie "Sonic The Hedgehog," then they only put them as friends in comics.
that answer is up to you if you Like Shadow I would suggest "Shadow The Hedgehog" if you like Blaze And Sonic "Sonic Rush" if you like most of the characters "Sonic the hedgehog" redone in 2006 AKA "Sonic 06"
sonic the hedgehog
sonic the hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the. Hedgehog