Well it could mean something different on clubpenguin but on facebook adn text etc the person means 'mmmm ok' but they say it like mmk
google clubpenguin cheats
if u mean clubpenguin, there are no cheats if u use a cheat, u will get banned
i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!
i cant dress my puffules on clubpenguin
You get the chevrons on clubpenguin by being on clubpenguin for a while. For instance ive been on clubpenguin for quite a while i dont know how long but i have the blue and orange stripe. I hadnt been a member on clubpenguin for quite a while then i finally got it. it is based on how long you've been on clubpenguin
It's a way of saying "OK"
MMK-Atakaş Metallurgy's population is 2,500.
Yes i want to know what is the email add of mmk,,because i will send my story
Freedom means you're safe on clubpenguin.
MMK-Atakaş Metallurgy was created on 2007-05-23.
computer i guess
They are for the puffle party
Its A Confused Or Weirded Out Face
clubpenguin channel by bluepend1 is the best heatblast is so mean he ignors you so i think bluepend1 and clubpenguin channel is better
not at all clubpenguin is way better! DONT LISTEN TO THAT LIE!!!!!! CLUBPENGUIN IS NASTY!!!! EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE FILTERS, ITS STILL DISTUGUSTING. i mean i guess its OK but still...