Its like designing a "clique" for your sims. They can go to all kinds of places together to do all kinds of different things.
If you mean what is the name of the Sims 2 game its called the Sims 2 Nightlife that's the one with the vampires.
it means sim use
It means you can join a group for an outing or other activities...when ever you go your group will follow you till you disband the group,and you can all have fun together with your friends in group.
If you mean real money, then no. You have to buy them in game, with Simoleons (Sim cash.)
It must be on box of Sims Pet Stories. However, if the installation codes doesn't work, that's mean you bought an illegal game.
if u mean computer game i think there is one. its called Sims. there's a sims, sims 2, and sims 3. look into it!
It depends what you mean, if it is the most fun then sims three definitely. But if you mean healthy for your computer then sims one.
it means your game has crashed.
If you mean a person Sim that you got by downloading, then, if you want you can delete the download and the Sim will leave the game. If you mean a Sims game (ie: expansion packs) then you can. But be careful, the entire Sims game will be lost.
Not sure which Sims you mean, do you mean the original game, Sims 1? You need the first game The Sims installed and then you can install expansion packs. It is recommended by Maxis that you install The Sims first (expansions wont work anyway without it) and Makin Magic last.
If you mean to play the game without the base game, the answer is no. You must have the base game to play.
It is easy.If you mean expansion packs then they will say for example The sims 2 Nightlife or The sims 3 generations.Or if you mean the actual game then it will say The Sims 2 and have about 5 people.And the sims 3 game would say The Sims 3.And have alot of different sims heads there.Lol.Though I think The Sims 3 holds a virus behind the fun!!:o
If you mean what is the name of the Sims 2 game its called the Sims 2 Nightlife that's the one with the vampires.
You are buying an expansion pack and need the base game(sims 3) to play it already installed on your pc/mac
I dont know what you mean by that unless you are talking about the sims.
If you mean get the game for free, you can't do this legally. The only way to get it for free is to torrent it, which is, for obvious reasons, illegal. If you mean send your sims on vacation for free in the game, there is no way to do this aside from possible game mods, but you can use cheats to get money.