Saint or street
To get crossword puzzle answers you look at the numbered clues and find out what they mean and what matchs the clue then you put your answer to the clue in its numbered space
in Pythagorean terms 'next to' would mean 'adjacent'.
Saint or street
The clues for words that are entered horizontally in a crossword are labeled "Across."
hug, cuddle
If you are doing a crossword puzzle, "iter" is the answer.
In a crossword puzzle, "brain waves" are "ideas."
tashbetz means crossword puzzle, but ovatashbetz doesn't mean anything.
To get crossword puzzle answers you look at the numbered clues and find out what they mean and what matchs the clue then you put your answer to the clue in its numbered space
a Sudoku puzzle is a test of logic while a crossword puzzle is a test of how like a thesaurus you are or a test of general knowledge. which one if better is a matter of opinion, but i suppose one might stimulate the brain than the other, if that is what you mean by better.