In Spanish, the word "juego" can be translated into the English word "game". It can be used in a similar fashion to "game" and is often used when referring to Video Games and computer games.
"El jugo" means "the juice". "El juego" means "the game". Jogo does not exist in Spanish. Jogo is the Portuguese word for "game".
It's just a game.
the game
"The game of life"
It might be an abbreviation for Spanish.
(i) (a/the) game (ii) I play Juego el juego de futbol = I play the game of football
"Poner" means "to place/put/set" in Spanish "Juego" can also mean "set"
The basketball
"juego", the Spanish word for "I play" or "game", depending on context, is pronounced "HWAY-goh".
Juego al baloncesto You can also say "Yo juego al baloncesto" or "Juego baloncesto."
el juego de mesa
Juego para.......
The Spanish word for "game," "juego" is literally "laro" in Tagalog. In the Philippines, the word "juego" has taken on a different meaning. It has become a synonym of gambling.
juego excelente
El juego del volante
juegos españoles