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A zombie pigman drops rotten flesh (earlier in the game, it used to drop cooked porkchop, it is now replaced by rotten flesh) or a gold nugget, ranging from 0 to 1 in the drop (sometimes, you might not even get a gold nugget). There are a few rare drops that the zombie pigman will drop, these include golden sword and random armor. It has a possibility of being enchanted as well. Fore more information on zombie piegman, read the official minecraft wiki down below.

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Q: What do zombie pigmen drop in minecraft?
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What will a zombie pigmen in minecraft PE drop?

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No not right now, the only hostile mobs are zombies, spiders, skeletons, creepers, and zombie pigmen (nether reactor only) but it would be cool if there was.

Is there a netherworld in minecraft pocket edition?

Yes. when you activate the nether core reactor then it spawns a few zombie pigmen and some glowstone dust. it also spawns a 18*18 arena of obsidian

Can you go to the nether on pe?

No but you can get zombie pigmen, netherrack or glowstone with a nether reactor