Basically, you have to get their phone numbers. Then, you have to call them at the appropriate time, and they will stay at the dojo for a rematch indefinitely until you meet them there. If you call all of them at the appropriate times, you can get all gym leaders in the dojo at one time.
Right next to the Saffron city gym. You can use it to battle gym leaders you have already defeated if you have their phone number and phone them when they are not busy. You may not be able to get all of the phone numbers, before you battle Red, and they might all have 6 Pokemon apiece in the fighting dojo battles.
You can rematch all 16 gym leaders at the Fighting Dojo near the Saffron Gym, you may have a rematch against the gym leaders only when you got their Poke-gear No., while they are away from the gym at a specific time each week also the rematch is in a specific time (ex. Whitney is missing from the gym any day on 12:00-16:00, go to the Goldenrod Dept. Store 6th floor and get her number, her rematch call is on Saturday Afternoon )
Defeat all of the gym leaders in Pearl. ~KKMG1
defeat all the other gym leaders
you must beat all other gym leaders
After you defeat all 16 gym leaders, you can call them to arrange a rematch through pokegear in fighting dojo in saffron city(kanto). See related link below to get gym leaders phone numbers and when to call them.
fighting dojo
You can find gym leaders away from their gym at certain times during certain days. Talk to them to get their phone number. Then call them when they tell you to so you can arange a rematch at the fighting dojo in Safforon city.
the ninja stays there. the room is made for gym leaders you previously fought. this is how it works: you find gym leaders wondering about outside. you get their number. you call them on the right day. then they wil be waiting for you in the dojo for a rematch.
Yes. After you enter the fighting dojo in saffron city you can find gym leaders and ask for their cell numbers or someone else will give it to you.
Right next to the Saffron city gym. You can use it to battle gym leaders you have already defeated if you have their phone number and phone them when they are not busy. You may not be able to get all of the phone numbers, before you battle Red, and they might all have 6 Pokemon apiece in the fighting dojo battles.
Call the gym leaders on the pokegear once you get their numbers and go to to find out when and where you can find them.
the fighting dojo the one were u would normally get hitmonlee or hitmonchan
there are 16 gym leaders in all
You can rematch all 16 gym leaders at the Fighting Dojo near the Saffron Gym, you may have a rematch against the gym leaders only when you got their Poke-gear No., while they are away from the gym at a specific time each week also the rematch is in a specific time (ex. Whitney is missing from the gym any day on 12:00-16:00, go to the Goldenrod Dept. Store 6th floor and get her number, her rematch call is on Saturday Afternoon )
The Fighting Dojo isn't a real Gym, but a place where you can rebattle Gym Leaders after receiving their Phone Numbers. The Leader of the Dojo is deep inside of Mt. Mortar, and if you beat him, he gives you the Pokemon Tyrogue, which evolves into either Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop.
Beat all the gym leaders.