Captain will be waiting in Slateport go back and talk to them him. Afterwards the Headquarters of Team Aqua/Magma will be open.
From lilycove city if you go east you can reach mossdeep city.
In lilycove city.
You can fish a staryu in lilycove city.
Buy it at Lilycove City MegaMart
The Move deleter is in Lilycove City. The house next to the lilycove department store.
Yes in Lilycove City
From lilycove city if you go east you can reach mossdeep city.
It's in Lilycove City.
In lilycove city.
lilycove city
he is in lilycove city
yes in lilycove city
you go next into lilycove city.
There is no Lilycove in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. Lilycove is exclusive to GBA Pokemon Games Ruby, Emerald, and Sapphire.Are you looking for...Lileep - PokemonCanalave - City
the seven islands near lilycove city
West of Lilycove city.