Now for the latest version (1.0.0) you give him the norman axe
you can get horses by feeding them apples and taming them,it will give you a name choice for your new horse and then you have a new horse!
Adventure Quest Worlds is an online role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. At this time there is no way to give gold away in Adventure Quest Worlds.
Possibly, has happened to me once.
around 38,000 all together 21,000 first quest 17000, second quest
Now for the latest version (1.0.0) you give him the norman axe
well ive downladed the yogbox compilation and i havent got a virus so you should be fine.
you can get horses by feeding them apples and taming them,it will give you a name choice for your new horse and then you have a new horse!
there is one quest that could give you nc. that quest is from neeter .finish his quest and he will give you 50 nc
stevey t and becs forever
You need to complete the 3rd quest, that will give you the moss for the 4th quest.
please give me your usernme and pass for adventure quest
The quest for the Stanley Cup is very exciting.
It is part of the main quest. Delphine will give you this mission.
A lot of quest give you exp lamps. You can also check the reward of the quest before you start it.
There are a few safe quest guide out there, I'll give you links to a few, just simply select the quest your doing.