pigs need carrots for breeding and also follow a corrot on a stick if you place an saddle on them and ride them.
feed it wheat
You must feed Pigs Carrots... (right clicking a pig with a carrot)... Feeding two pigs with carrots will make them BREED (and make a baby pig)!
You can't. That is only on Minecraft Animations. But there is a Pig Companion mod where you can tame a pig and put a helmet on it.
right click it.
feed it wheat
You must feed Pigs Carrots... (right clicking a pig with a carrot)... Feeding two pigs with carrots will make them BREED (and make a baby pig)!
The only color of a pig in minecraft is pink.
Yes, pigs are available/roaming in Minecraft classic.
You can't. That is only on Minecraft Animations. But there is a Pig Companion mod where you can tame a pig and put a helmet on it.
You can most definitely ride a pig in minecraft, How ever there is no way to control it. So basically the pig decides where you go.
u can hit the pig but soon dies after hitting
right click it.
You can ride a pig with them.