ther moon pearl is the one object that allows you to keep your true identity in the dark world
It is found in a chest in the Dungeon on top of the mountain.
you can't
The boss of level 2, the Moon dungeon, is a Dodongo, and to beat it, simply drop a bomb in front of it so it can swallow it. You have to do this twice in order to beat it.
There will be a blood moon, but it won't do anything
New moon island is only avalible in Pokemon pearl, diamond and platinum
the third dungeon where you get the third pendant.
It is found in a chest in the Dungeon on top of the mountain.
Get the Moon Pearl from the Tower of Hera. This will allow you to stay in your normal Link (not Zelda!) form in the Dark World.
Its rather evil
You can get the Fierce Deity Mask on the Moon.
No, Dark Link is not in the game. The closest you'll get is Fierce Deity Link, which you get the mask for after getting every other mask in the game and giving all the non-transformation masks to the children on the moon.
There are a total of 49 islands on the The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Some of the islands are Seven Star Isles, Overlook Island, Crescent Moon Island, and Tower of the Gods. The complete list can be found on Zelda Wiki.
You're in the form of a bunny in the Dark World the first time you go there before the third dungeon. Once you get the Moon Pearl from the Tower of Hera, you'll remain as regular Link in the Dark World.
You can not sell the Moon Tear but you can trade it for the Deku Spot in Clock Town You trade it for the Deed.
oni link is a form link can become in the ledgend of Zelda majora's mask to get him collect all 23 mask and go to the moon talk to all the kids exept the child with majora's mask play the game's with them after you talk to all 4 talk to majora and he will give you the fierce diety mask but you MUST talk to and play with the other 4
Probably the faster ship , all ship parts , invincible Link , moon jump ,and the infinite keys for each dungeon , and the wi-fi action replay codes .
Go back to the Tower of Hera and get the Moon Pearl, which is the dungeon item. You're still in bunny form because you haven't gotten the Moon Pearl, which is necessary to stay in human form in the Dark World. Use the Magic Mirror to go back to the Light World and go to the Tower of Hera.